Friday, January 4, 2019

One Of The Longest Running Dating Scams Is, Learn Why

Summary Of The Scam:
Fantasy (Pretend) Profile Pages Used To Persuade Men
Automatically Delivering Pseudo (Fake) Emails Concealed To Appear To Come From Female Xdating Members
Automatically Delivering Pseudo (Fake) Chat Messages Concealed To Appear To Come From Female Xdating Members
Xdating Staff And Contractors Paid A Wage To Act Like They're Interested In You
Fantasy (Pretend) Profile Pages Used To Persuade Men:
A fantasy profile page is a dating profile on that has been fabricated by the staff of the website. These pretend profiles are used like a marketing gimmick. They are completely false anything you see on them is fictitious. The profiles come with photographs and other information such as the person's age, astrological sign and other details. But it's all phony! The photographs used in these bogus profile pages are not of any person who has registered on the site. These females did not go through a registration process in order to become a member of Xdating. These profiles have been created to give the appearance that they are registered members. None of these females are legitimate members. This is a proven fact that can be read on the terms page.

You might be wondering why the hell would a dating site pay their employees to make up profile pages of people who have never registered on the site. That's a very valid question. The answer is this. The first thing you need to realize is that men are usually the ones looking for one night stands and in the internet age that resulted in the creation of hookup dating sites. This means that most people who register or hookup dating sites are men. This leaves a large gap between the amount of women and the amount of men that register on This is a problem if you're trying to start a dating service. Where are you going to get thousands of horny women to register on your hookup site? And the answer is you don't, you just make profiles that are bogus. Sure they're breaking the law and fraudulently deceiving people by using a completely fake dating service but that's not a problem for the shysters behind this site. They have no qualms about using any kind of deceptive marketing tactics that comes into their mind. When you're on look around, do a search for females because anything you're looking at is most likely going to be fictitious. None of it's real it's all a fantasy in your mind. But it can end with real life consequences if you end up purchasing a paid membership to the site. You end up losing as little as $30 per month or as high as you can imagine. It really depends on how long you keep a monthly subscription on the website.

Taken from the terms page section i.6:

"In order to enhance your amusement experience, to stimulate you and others to use our Services more extensively, and to generally sprinkle some sparkle and excitement into the Services of XDATING.COM, we may post fictitious profiles…:

Automatically Delivering Pseudo (Fake) Emails Concealed To Appear To Come From Female Xdating Members:
The fraudsters that operate X dating have many different types of tricks up their sleeve. Another popular trick that bogus dating services like love to use on their members is automatically delivering fake emails that have been concealed to look like they're coming from members of the website. To the untrained eye these emails look legitimate. But behind the scenes you're interacting with a computer program. These computer programs have been built from the ground up with responses as well as messages all precomposed in the software. This combined with the fictitious profiles that they create give the website authenticity. It makes it look like you're on a real dating service and if you were reading this review you could easily be taken by the way this site operates. In the background the emails are all phony. One rule that you should live by is that when you join a dating service and you get e-mail messages immediately then it's a very high chance you just joined a phony dating service.

We don't care what you look like the chances of women pursuing you is very slim. Specifically on adult hookup sites women are usually inundated with hundreds of email messages. So for this scenario to be reversed is highly unlikely. A little bit of common sense will go a long way in protecting yourself from dating scams online.

Taken from the terms page section i.6:

"generate or respond to communications by means of automated programs or scripts that simulate or attempt to simulate your intercommunication with another real human being (though none really exists and any dialog is generated by programming). While these communications may seem genuine, authentic, and personal, they may be broadcast simultaneously to a large number of persons and possess none of these qualities. While their contents may appear to be true, they may be quite false; while their contents may appear to sincere, they may be quite disingenuous. Sometimes, we may use these techniques or others like them for other business purposes."

Automatically Delivering Pseudo (Fake) Chat Messages Concealed To Appear To Come From Female Xdating Members:
Instant messages fall under the same category as the emails. Using the same type of technology instant messages can be deployed to you automatically with no human involvement. These instant chat messages look legitimate. They have all the right responses but at the end of the day it's all part of the same shady website. All forms of communications have been compromised on None of it is real and any form of communications including emails and instant messages sent to you are most likely being sent from automated computer bots.

Taken from the terms page section i.6:

"generate or respond to communications by means of automated programs or scripts that simulate or attempt to simulate your intercommunication with another real human being (though none really exists and any dialog is generated by programming). While these communications may seem genuine, authentic, and personal, they may be broadcast simultaneously to a large number of persons and possess none of these qualities. While their contents may appear to be true, they may be quite false; while their contents may appear to sincere, they may be quite disingenuous. Sometimes, we may use these techniques or others like them for other business purposes."

Xdating Staff And Contractors Paid A Wage To Act Like They're Interested In You:
This is where it gets really crazy! Not only do they build high-tech software to mislead you and trick you but they also hire a staff of people that operate these online profile pages. The staff of has been hired and are trained in the art of deception. Lying to you, deceiving you and saying whatever they want to you is all part of the day working for X Dating. These employees and paid contractors are all disguising themselves and pretending they are legitimate members (when they're not). The truth is that they are being paid and receive financial compensation for their role in getting people to purchase memberships on the site. They will say anything they can and string you along as far as you will let them.They could care less if they hurt your feelings, at the end of day it's only a paycheck for them and they will gladly scam you out of your hard-earned money if you let them.

Taken from the terms page section i.6:

"we may employ or contract for the paid services of real persons who may interact with you as part of their compensated employment."

Xdating Staff And Contractors Paid A Wage To Act Like They're Interested In You:

When you agreed to become a member of you needed to agree to their terms and conditions. One of the stipulations in their terms is that you agree to release the owners, operators, employees and anyone else connected to their site from any type of legal claims or damages as a result of using their site.

We assume they don't want to take the heat for all the laws they are breaking by creating bogus profiles and using bot programs? They don't want to be held liable in a court of law so they think that by writing in the terms and conditions that you release them of any liability then they are in the clear. We're not sure if this is true or not but it's ridiculous the mindset of these fraudsters.

Taken from the terms page section i.7:

"You hereby unconditionally release us and our owners, operators, officers, directors, employees, agents, subsidiaries, successors, attorneys, contractors, and assigns, and all other persons from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, incurred and alleged to be incurred, by any of them in connection with any false, misleading, or deceptive statement contained in any personal profile, post, rating, evaluation, comment, instant chat, email, or communication through the use of our Services, whether originated by us, another Member, any user of our Services, or any other person, and  false, misleading, or deceptive appearance, suggestion or implication of the authorship, origin, sincerity, motivation or intent of any personal profile, post, rating, evaluation, comment, instant chat, email, or communication published or transmitted through the use of our Services, whether actually originated by us, another Member, any user of our Services, or any other person.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us (and any and all of our owners, operators, employees, contractors, agents and attorneys) harmless from any and all cost, expense or liability (including but not limited to any fine, award or judgment or settlement) arising or deriving from any prosecution, claim, civil litigation, administrative action, arbitration, mediation or litigation of any character whatsoever arising in any manner whatsoever from your access to XDATING.COM"

You're Not Permitted To Create An Untruthful Profile But They Can Make Hundreds Of Bogus Profiles
Apparently Xdating doesn't like it when people are not truthful or accurate in their dating profile creation. You need to agree to be truthful and accurate and complete your profile providing your real name, your birthday and even your email address to them. They don't want people to  lie when you create a dating profile on X Dating. We have a great idea, wouldn't it make sense if wasn't creating fake profiles as well? They don't want their members to lie when they create profile pages but for some reason they seem to think it's perfectly fine if they are the ones making bogus profiles. How this makes sense that anyone is anyone's guess!

Taken from the terms page section e 1:

"You agree that:

1. All of the registration information you provide us about yourself – whether online or offline – whether in person at our parties and business events or in correspondence or otherwise – will be truthful, accurate, and complete. Without limiting the foregoing, you will provide your real name, date of birth and email address."

2 How To Contact The Site:
By Phone 1 661 705-5088
Address: Headquarters: DG International Limited LLC, Armory Building, Victoria Road, Basseterre, Saint-Kitts, Saint-Kitts and Nevis
Branch Office: DG International Limited LLC, 19C Troley SQ, Wilmington DE 19806, US
Branch Office: DG International Limited LLC, Suite 142, The Beehive, Rohais, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3HT
By Email:
2 How To Cancel Your Trial & Monthly Membership:
If you want to cancel your paid trial or monthly subscription to this site you can use the various methods that we have listed below to do so. You can read our tutorial on how to cancel your account on

Cancel By Email:
Cancel By Phone: 1-661-705-3870 or toll free at (800) 748-4573
By Site:
Domain Registrant Info:
Registrant Name: Domain Manager
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